
Contract review


Coverage review


Risk management review


General Consultation

Truck Brokerage

Insuring Truck brokerages is becoming a little riskier for insurance companies for various reasons, more and more truck brokerages are being dragged into lawsuits for accidents that they were not involved in. Due to this we are seeing rate increases across the board, it is important that we do all that we can to protect you from claims which were not your fault in order to keep your insurance rates down. Call us today with any questions.
  • 1- Surety Bonds
  • 2- Contingent Auto Liability
  • 3- Contingent Cargo
  • 4- Contingent General Liability
  • 5- Excess Liability
  • 6- Professional Liability
Best Service on the Market !

Whether your company would like to consider a Liability deductible, a Self-Insured Retention, or a relevant Captive, we will offer your company the insurance solutions that match a variety of factors.


Contact us for more information