
Contract review


Coverage review


General Consulting


Vendor discounts

Bus Insurance

Transportation Insurance Solutions understand the industry of transporting people, we understand the challenges you face on a day-to-day basis with driver shortages, increases in fuel costs, the litigation environment and State and Federal regulations.

Call us today for a consultative walk through of your insurance options

  • 1- Commercial Auto Insurance
  • 2- General Liability Insurance
  • 3- Workers Compensation Insurance
  • 4- Excess Liability & Umbrella Insurance
  • 5- Property Insurance Including Flood
  • 6- Garage Liability
  • 7- Directors and Officers Insurance
  • 8- Cyber Insurance
Best Service on the Market !

Whether your company would like to consider a Liability deductible, a Self-Insured Retention, or a relevant Captive, we will offer your company the insurance solutions that match a variety of factors.


Contact us for more information